Watch Jon Stewart Call Out J.K. Rowling for Antisemitism

Watch Jon Stewart Call Out J.K. Rowling for Antisemitism

The Problem Host compared the Gringott's Goblins to Anti-Semitic caricatures

Here’s how you know Jews are still where they are: Have you ever seen a Harry Potter movie? [...] Have you ever seen the scenes in Gringotts Bank? Do you know what those folks who run the bank are? Jews! Like, let me show you this, it's the protocols from the elders of Zion (mimes the document), I just want to show you a caricature. And they’re like, ‘Oh look at that that's from ‘Harry Potter!'” And you’re like, ‘No, that’s a caricature of a Jew from an anti-Semitic piece of literature. J.K. Rowling was like... ‘Can we get these guys to run our bank?’ And you're like It’s a wizarding world… the train station has half a thing and no one can see it and we can ride dragons, and you've got a pet owl… but who should run the bank? Jews?! It's like "yeah they look like Jews...but what if the teeth were sharper?

Jon Stewart on The Problem... podcast discussing antisemitic overtones in the depiction of the Gringott's goblins in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

Listen to the full episode here:

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Here’s how you know Jews are still where they are: Have you ever seen a Harry Potter movie? [...] Have you ever seen the scenes in Gringotts Bank? Do you know what those folks who run the bank are? Jews! Like, let me show you this, it's the protocols from the elders of Zion (mimes the document), I just want to show you a caricature. And they’re like, ‘Oh look at that that's from ‘Harry Potter!'” And you’re like, ‘No, that’s a caricature of a Jew from an anti-Semitic piece of literature. J.K. Rowling was like... ‘Can we get these guys to run our bank?’ And you're like It’s a wizarding world… the train station has half a thing and no one can see it and we can ride dragons, and you've got a pet owl… but who should run the bank? Jews?! It's like "yeah they look like Jews...but what if the teeth were sharper?

Jon Stewart on The Problem... podcast discussing antisemitic overtones in the depiction of the Gringott's goblins in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

Listen to the full episode here:

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